
Welcome to Randy’s Blogs where you will see awesome opportunities in writing, speaking, and coaching!

Afraid you can’t write? Check out Randy’s signature encouragement: How to Write a Book in 28 Days or Less, Without Stressing Yourself to Death.

Afraid you can’t speak? See what Randy learned after his dismal failure of presenting his seventh-grade oral book report.

Have skills that you would like to share with others? You might just be the life coach or success coach who will change a person’s life.

Along with all of this, grab some of Randy’s tips for having a sparkling marriage, most of which come from his six-book series on The LOVING Way to a Successful Marriage: Six Keys to Marital Bliss.

If you are a bi-vocational or retired minister, you likely have all three of these skills for writing, speaking, and life coaching. If you would like to focus your second vocation or continued ministry in this area, this is the place for you.

However, this opportunity is not limited just to ministers. if you want to develop these skills and scale them to the point of a full-time income, we have the info that can help you get started today.

Putting these skills together to develop an online business is a life changer, and it is something that even beginners in each of these areas can accomplish.

We look forward to spending some time with you, and hearing about your success stories in the days to come.


Writing A Book

First time writing a book.: nine steps that will help. It’s been a while but I’m back. Today I’m talking about writing a book for the first time and giving you nine steps that will help. What Kind of Writer Are You? The first step is to figure out what kind of writer you are. …


Do you know how many people would like to write a  book? Are you a person who needs a second job that would allow you to work from home and eventually replace that first job? Writing, speaking, and coaching skills will enable you to do just that.

Do you know that many bivocational ministers work 60 to 70 hours a week? What does that do their family life? What kinds of struggles do they face for them to be the kinds of examples to others they know they should be?

Further, do you Know that many ministers have given and given over their lifetime, and when it comes to retirement, they have little to show for the lifetime of labor?

Do you know others in similar professions who could benefit from starting their own businesses–either to supplement their present incomes or to play “Catch-Up” in their retirement years?

This is what Dr. Randy Carney does. He helps people to improve their lives and their own finances, while at the same time, making a difference in the lives of others.

Collegiate Consulting Service (CCS) focuses on Randy’s speaking, writing, and coaching enterprises.

CCS started by helping students, young and old, complete their college degrees by alternative means, while not having to leave their present ministries or job situations.

Today it has evolved into helping others write their own books, develop speaking businesses, and get involved in providing life or success coaching for others. These three skills, writing, speaking, and life coaching, are skills that are already possessed by ministers, and they can be developed by others in many varied fields.

Randy helps his clients to discover which options they should focus on first–whether it be writing, speaking, or coaching. Then he presents the plan to scale all three to a great part-time business which can easily rise to the level of full-time incomes. (With the exception of non-retirement-aged bivocational ministers who wish to keep their primary ministry or church, they will often replace their “day jobs.” See the definition of the “new bivocational pastor” by clicking here.)

The new bivocational pastor will wish to replace his marketplace job with something that provides more flexiblity where he can be free to focus on his primary ministry. The non-minister will also often want to replace his or her marketplace job with something that will provide more flexibility in life as well.

This blog will feature Dr. Carney’s books, his speaking topics, and his coaching opportunities. But, more important than that, it will also feature information on how you can do the same.


Dr. Randy Carney
Collegiate Consulting Service
21086 Number 9 Blacktop
Thompsonville, IL 62890


(Randy often has his phone on silent when he is speaking or with clients. Please leave a message. If you don’t sound like a telemarketer (Ha!), he will call you back as soon as possible.)
(618) 218-4271

To check on speaking availability, you may use the form below:
Book Randy for Your Event

To learn more about Randy’s writing, speaking, and coaching enterprises, go to DrRandyCarney.com.

To schedule a free consultation about how you can write a book or set up your own business, check availability here.