28-Day Writing Challenge – Day 10: Headings & Subheadings

Welcome to day ten of the 28-day writing challenge: Headings and subheadings Today I am working on blueprinting chapter 13 and creating headings and subheadings.

Day 10 Vlog

Today I was writing on something that I had purchased a book for and I hadn’t read the whole book. I was looking through it to refresh my thoughts on what I was talking about, and it has some interesting thoughts in it. So I spent some time doing that.

Generating Interest

Then I came up with headings and subheadings. I spent more time on that than I usually would in a rough draft. I was trying to come up with what I think would be headings that might create some curiosity as to what I’m going to be writing about.

Headings & subheadings can grab attention
Use headings & subheadings to generate interest

What I’ve been doing: up until this point I generally had nine items that I wrote about, and later on, I would put the headings and subheadings between those.

Another way of doing it is to start with the headings and subheadings and that’s what I have started on today.

An Example from My Writing

The title of this chapter is “Valuing Your Spouse Brings Victory Over Fear and Shame: How Every Couple Can Improve Their Marriage Without Talking About It.” Hopefully, that will create some interest.

Heading One: Wives Are In For a Big Surprise When Husbands Apply the Valuing Technique
Subheading One: The Wife’s Secret Fear of Being Alone
Subheading Two: Overcome Mistakes That Contribute to Your Wife’s Fear- Secrets Every Husband Should Discover
Subheading Three: How Being Valued Combats Your Wife’s Fear-The Survival Guide Every Husband Needs
Heading Two: Husbands Are In For A Big Surprise When Wives Apply the Valuing Technique.
Subheading One: The Husband’s Secret Fear of the Shame of Failure.
Heading Two: Overcome Mistakes That Contribute to Your Husband’s Fear of Failure and Shame-Secrets Every Wife Should Discover
Subheading Three: How Being Valued Combats Your Husband’s Fear of Failure and Shame-The Survival Guide Ever Wife Needs
Heading Three: This New Improve-Your-Marriage-Without-Talking-About-It Technique is Almost Too Good To Be True
Subheading One: New Discoveries in How Connectedness Beats Communication.
Subheading Two: Reflections On the Problem of Trying to Improve Your Marriage by Talking
Subheading Three: Secrets to Improving Your Marriage in Four and A Half Minutes A Day

Take time to write every day.
Take time to write daily

Something Different for Today

I don’t just have a rough draft of those like I normally would, I did spend some time on them. Later on I’ll do that for the other chapters that I’ve done, but I just changed things up today. So I haven’t gotten this chapter written yet. But that’s my start on chapter 13.

I hope you have a great day or a great evening. whatever time it is that you see this. Remember, YOU CAN WRITE A BOOK!

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