Personal time management strategies are the secret behind many successful people. Here are time management tips and tricks for every author who wants to write his or her book quickly and easily. I share this so you can write a book without having to sit there staring at a blank page for hours.

So here’s where we are right now…
- Getting published is easier now than ever before
- That means you need a book
- It is easier than you think to write a book
- Sometimes the hardest part is getting started
- Sometimes you just stare at a blank page when you have a writing session
We’ll cover three tips for time management for writers
Tip #1 – You Have A Lot Of Time Already.
You see? We all have 24 hours each day. That means that we have 1,4440 minutes each day too.
Likewise, we have 168 hours each week, so that means we have 10,080 minutes in a week! Just think of it: Over 10,000 minutes to do what you want to with each week. Surely we could use many of those minutes to give priority to writing.
Let’s simplify it even more. Let’s say you break your book down into 5-minute writing segments. That means you could use a lot of time you may not have thought you had.
For instance: You might have to go to the dentist. After you check in, you usually sit in the waiting room before you are called. At this writing, you might have to return to your car to wait. If you are in a waiting room, you could read their magazines while you wait, or you may go prepared for the waiting with your own book. OR …., you could take your writing materials with you–pen and paper, or maybe even your laptop.
Then you could start on one of your 5-minute writing projects. You likely will not use a timer there, so you will have to keep an eye on your watch.
At the end of five minutes, they have not called you back, so you start on your next 5-minute writing segment. Then you have time for a third one. There you have one-fifth of a chapter written, all while using waiting time wisely. Do you see how personal time management strategies can help you finish your book?
While you can get a lot of your book written using waiting time, you likely will not write it all during waiting time. That leads us to our next tip
Tip #2 – You Have Ways To Carve Out Some Time
Many writers write early in the morning before the rest of the family wakes up. Others are night owls, and they write an hour or so after everyone else goes to bed. Still others spend some time during lunch.
Another alternative would be to combine all three of those ideas: Wake up a half-hour before everyone else wakes up. Then use another half-hour after everyone else goes to bed. Additionally, write for 15 minutes during your lunch hour.
If you write for 75-90 minutes every day, you can easily knock our the rough draft of your book in less than 28 days if plan your book using a special 5-minute writing segment plan.
Since writing is a priority for you, surely you can carve out some daily time for writing.
Tip #3 – You Have Ways to Eliminate Distractions
In order to write quickly, you will have to be focused.
It is best to have a place to write. If you can designate a separate room, that is best. You can have your own office. Others, though, may have to use a dual-purpose room. Still, it is best to get away from other distractions. If at all possible use a room exclusively when you are writing.
Here is another good tip to eliminate distractions. Put a sign on the door. It can say, “I’m Working” or something like that. If you are writing fiction, you can even threaten to write violators into the story! The sign just serves as a gentle reminder to family members that you should not be disturbed unless it is absolutely necessary for them to talk to you.
So, let’s summarize what we’ve covered in “Personal Time Management Strategies to Write a Book Quickly:”
- You have a lot of time
- Plan for 5-minute writing segments
- Plan a time to write
- Fix a place to write
- If you write for 75 minutes each day, you can finish your rough draft in less than 28 days.
The point here is that you can write your book quickly and easily without having to sit there staring at a blank page for many minutes or even hours on end.
What have you adopted as personal time management strategies? Please share some more tips with us in the comments.
You can get more writing tips here.
Now, if you’re serious about learning how to take this to the next level, don’t lose a single minute. Head on over to check out the 6-Figure Writing course at my quick and easy writing website.