Tokyo Street


Welcome everyone to another session of a day in the life. their life. Today I am in Tokyo.


I’m on the return route of walking my grandson Kelton to school. I’m actually about halfway back.

Tokyo Subway
Tokyo Subway

In a bit, I’m going to cross over where the subway tracks are. Behind me, you can see different areas. There is a Century 21 office and a shop on the corner in one direction.

In the other direction there in the distance you can see a train station-actually two train stations-that are close to Rusty and Brenda’s house. Right now, it’s open top right.

In this other spot, there is a nice little landscaped area in the middle of where the cars go and turn around from the train station.

Coming behind me is a trash truck just to the left.

On the streets, you have cars and bicycles and people walking. They all just kind of coexist. The streets are very narrow.

Now I’m coming up to where people have gotten off the train and are going to their destinations. The crowds seem to be thinning out a little bit but often there’s a great conglomeration of people in this area.

People in Tokyo
People in Tokyo

So anyway, this is a life in the day here in Tokyo.

These Walking with Randy episodes are usually talking about writing, speaking coaching, marketing and marriage.

I want you to always remember, though, that YOU CAN WRITE A BOOK!

If you’re interested in that or learning how to improve your marriage, head to Amazon for these great books.

The first is “How to Write a Book in 28 Days or Less Without Stressing Yourself to Death.”

These books are all available on Amazon right now!
These books are all available on Amazon right now!

The other two are “21 Ways the Principle of Leaving Will Benefit Your Marriage” and “From Mountains to Molehills.”

I hope you have a great day, and I will talk to you later.

We’re in Japan!

Hello everyone! Welcome to walking with Randy here in Japan.


I’m currently in the backyard of Rusty and Brenda’s place and just walking around here a little bit.

The video shows Rusty and Brenda’s backyard. They have a little garden and a lemon tree.

They were very smart and they put down astroturf so they don’t have any grass to mow.

Right next to them is a bicycle park. There is a parking lot in the other direction. So that means that on those two sides there are not any houses right next to them.

There’s a fence next to their house and then around a corner is a little walkway up to their front door.

In the distance, you can see a street. (I wasn’t able to walk too far from their house and still be connected to the Internet.)

View from the front of Rusty and Brenda's place.
View from the front of Rusty and Brenda’s place.

Just up the street, you can see a green sign that says let Lawson Store 100 That is a convenience store that is very convenient for them.

I hope you all are doing well.

It’s kind of an overcast day here. We’ve been enjoying ourselves.

Last Sunday. I preached at a church here and Rusty interpreted. Two days before that Brenda has some classes that she calls Mommy and Me classes. It is moms and some children.

We got to spend some time with some of the children in Japan.
We got to spend some time with some of the children in Japan.

Between the two days, I think we had about 20 children.

They had a fall party ~ not a Halloween party.

The pumpkin was a good visual aid.
The pumpkin was a good visual aid.

During the party, Rusty and I did a devotional that involved carving a pumpkin. We talked about how when you open the head, your brain is inside and that’s where you feel and we talked about how the pumpkin represents the head and face.

The face represents the entire person.

Then we talked about when you’re looking inside the entire person, you see their heart, which is where you feel. So with a head, we think and know and with a heart, we feel.

Then we took the insides of the pumpkin out and it gave us the chance to talk about sin and how our lives need to be cleaned from sin and a few other analogies there.

This class is an English class. On the first day, none of them were believers; they came for the English class. Brenda said that it was really good that we were able to give a clear presentation of the Gospel on that day.

Then the next day there were a couple of people there that were also a part of the church.

But, we’re enjoying our time over here. and traveling around here in Tokyo.

I do want to remind you that YOU CAN WRITE A BOOK!

Tips for getting started.
Tips for getting started.

If you’re interested in finding out more about that, my book “How to Write a Book in 28 Days or Less Without Stressing Yourself to Death” is available right now on Amazon. I’ve got two books on marriage there as well. They are “21 Ways the Principle of Leaving Will Benefit Your Marriage” and “From Mountains to Molehills.”

To keep up with our time in Japan or for information on writing marriage, faith, or coaching, just go to Randy’s Blogs and find the tab you need at the top.

Until next time, I hope you have a great day!

International Speaker

Hello everyone! Welcome to another session of walking with Randy, or in this case, it’s riding with Randy.


Rhonda and I are just getting ready for our trip to Japan. Tomorrow we have to go and get the required COVID test before we get on the plane for the stretch of the trip that goes to Tokyo. We will be well within the 72-hour limit for that. We’re excited about that.

I can add "International Speaker" to my resume now.
I can add “International Speaker” to my resume now.

So whenever I talked to my daughter-in-law last, she said something about looking forward to us coming. She said, “Be ready to preach, something else, or die.”

I responded to that and said, “Well, I hope it’s the first two but we will be ready for all three.”

So anyway, I’m excited that we’re getting ready to go to Japan.

I will have opportunities to speak over there and give our grandchildren some time with their grandparents and give our children some time for some well-deserved r&r on the mission field. I’ll also be able to minister and speak to the Japanese people with an interpreter.

The nice thing about needing an interpreter is my son is far enough along in his Japanese language skills that he should be able to do that without any problem.

I’m excited to be coming to you as an international speaker. I could already say that because I’ve spoken in Mexico, Australia and Japan before

You can write a book!
You can write a book!

As a final thought, if you would like to know about writing a book, or more about speaking or coaching, just check out the other categories here on Randy’s Blogs.

Also, there are some books on Amazon that can be very helpful to you.

The first is “How to Write a Book in 28 Days or Less Without Stressing Yourself to Death.”

Marriage help
Marriage help

The other two are about marriage. The first is “21 Ways the Principle of Leaving Will Benefit Your Marriage.” The second one is “From Mountains to Molehills.”

I encourage you to take a look at one or all three of those books.

All right. Until next time for walking with Randy, I want to remind you that YOU CAN WRITE A BOOK!

Have a great day and I’ll talk to you later.

Trip to Japan

Trip to Japan

Good morning everyone. Welcome to another blog post on These videos are often called “Walking with Randy” and I talk about writing, speaking, coaching, marketing, and marriage.


Today, I’m going to add this to the feature page that talks about a life in the day. Sometimes you hear about a day in the life.

Why Japan?

Many of you know that we have been trying to make arrangements to get to Japan to see our son, Rusty, daughter-in-law, Brenda, and grandchildren, Grace, Catherine, and Kelton. They are missionaries over there.

Missionaries to Japan
Missionaries to Japan

We try to get over to see them in the middle of each of their four-year term. We tried to go in September of 2021. We ordered tickets and scheduled our flight. Then we had to keep extending the date until they ran out in February of this year.

Fortunately, the third-party company that got us the tickets went to bat for us and they got us a refund on everything except for some of the fees.

We heard just within the last two weeks, that Japan was opening up for tourists so we are going over there on a tourist visa that lasts for 90 days. That’s how we’ve done in the past, even though we will be doing ministry while we’re there.

One of the ministries that we do is babysitting and providing r&r for the missionaries.

We also join them in some of their ministry activities. Most times that we’ve been over there in the past, I had the opportunity to speak several times and I suspect I will get to do that again.

So Rhonda and I are excited about being able to go. This is what’s going on in our lives and it’s a “life in a day” post for the blog.


You could have it done before I even get home!
You could have it done before I even get home!

On another note, if you are interested in a book on writing, you can go to Amazon and look for my book “How to Write a Book in 28 Days or Less Without Stressing Yourself to Death.” It’s available in digital and print forms.

Just think, you can get the book and have a rough draft of your very own book done before I get back to the United States!


My 2 books (so far) on marriage
My 2 books (so far) on marriage.

There are two books I’ve written on marriage available on Amazon as well. The first one is “21 Ways the Principle of Leaving Will Benefit Your Marriage.”

The second one is “From Mountains to Molehills: Overcoming and Celebrating Your Differences in Marriage.”

One of the examples in that book has to do with how men and women think differently. Sometimes the wife will wonder “What he’s thinking?” and may ask him. He may say, “I’m hungry.”

Then she may go through the process of thinking, “What does he mean? ‘I’m hungry.'”

Here’s what it usually means: He’s hungry.

Sometimes, though, the wife may say something, and, depending on her inflection and some of her reflections on the ideas of what’s being asked for.

It’s not that she’s being untruthful, but the husband may have to look for a deeper meaning to her words.

That’s just an example.

You might find those books helpful if you’re interested. Also, if you have some young couples that are getting married, these books can make good wedding gifts.

I’m glad you have joined me today. I look forward to talking with you again. And until the next time, I do post on writing. I would like for you to remember YOU CAN WRITE A BOOK!