28-Day Writing Challenge – Day 27: Workin on the Ranked Paragraphs

Good day to everyone. This is day 27 of the 28-day writing challenge.

Day 27 vlog

I spent my time today working on the ranked paragraphs.


So the last two days I went all the way through the document (a printed version of my book). I numbered all the paragraphs. Then, I evaluated each paragraph.

These are subjective evaluations that the writer does just for himself or herself.

Today’s Work

I assigned each paragraph a rating on a scale of one to 10. Now I’m going through the document and working on those paragraphs that are rated from one through 10.

Getting so close
Getting so close

On this pass through, I’m skipping over those that are rated seven or higher. And those that are rated three or lower, I am eliminating any rated three or lower, and I am especially working on editing the ones that are rated four through six.

Now, it’s not that I will not work on the other paragraphs. I will have to figure out a transition between the previous paragraph and the new one where something has been eliminated.

Almost There!

Anyway, that’s where I am. It’s day 27 and I do have a first draft and am working on that good first-round edit. Then that will be what we called by definition our book. So I completed the book in 28 days or less, without stressing myself to death, at least for the most part.

How YOU Can Write a Book in 28 Days or Less Without Stressing Yourself to Death

Instruction manual
Instruction manual

Anyway, I will check back in with you tomorrow. If you are interested in writing a book in 28 days or less, I would encourage you to click here and get a copy of my book. It speaks of all that I have done on this particular 28-day challenge AND it gives even more techniques and tips than what I’ve talked about as we’ve gone through this challenge..

This 28-day method speaks of three ways of writing a book in 28 days or less. I actually used a combination of all three of those techniques in this process.

Well, I hope that you have a good day. Where I am it is sleeting and it’s getting ready to snow. I’m sure that some of the activities that I have planned for tomorrow will be called off. I hope the weather’s wonderful where you are. If you desire to write a book, I just pray that you will take the plunge. My encouragement is, as always, remember YOU CAN WRITE A BOOK!

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