WOW! “How to Write a Book” Took Off

It has been an amazing week. If you haven’t already heard, “How to Write a Book in 28 Days or Less Without Stressing Yourself to Death”, my new book, hit the bestseller list on its release date of Monday, November 15, 2021. I am so excited for everyone to learn the secrets and tips that will help them on their journey to becoming writers.

I did an interview with Dave Farrow about the book. It’s just a little information about me and the book. You can watch it below. Dave is a memory expert, and as the interview progressed, we found that we had something in common in utilizing timed deadlines. He does it for focus, and I do it for fast writing to get in the flow for writing books. I recommend you check out his resources.

Some Recommendations

Throughout my various endeavors, I’ve met several people. I’m blessed to call many people friends. Below are a few of those friends talking just a little bit about the book.

The first is Tim Parton. Tim is the General Manager of 3ABN’s (Three Angels Broadcasting Network) Praise Him Music Network. He is in my own personal “Southern Gospel Music Hall of Fame!”

Tim Parton

Next up is Ian Vandervalk and his wife, Angela. Ian and Angela also work for 3ABN in production.

Ian and Angela Vendervalk

Thank you, Tim, Ian, and Angela!

Another Deal

Last week’s Kindle release went so well, I decided to offer a similar deal on the paperback book. This week, beginning November 21, 2021, the paperback book will be half price. Instead of the regular $14.99, you can purchase it for only $7.49! How great is that? Just follow this link and order your copy today.

Thank you for helping to make the book a bestseller. Happy writing!

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